Welcome to First Trinity Lutheran Church

You are beloved and welcome as you are, whatever your race, culture, ethnicity, age, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, disability status, mental health status, socioeconomic position, family status, or background. We welcome you wherever you are in your faith journey.

We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation, which means we have made a heartfelt commitment to living out this welcome statement in all that we do. Since 1992, First Trinity has worked to include, celebrate, and advocate for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. The RIC commitment also means we work for racial equity and engage in anti-racism efforts in cooperation with ReconcilingWorks.

Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Painting of bare feet immersed in water.

Sumud Lenten Devotional Discussion Group 

This Lent, you are invited to join First Trinity on Zoom, Wednesdays at 8:15 pm (after our weekly Bible study), for a special devotional group. We will prayerfully discuss text and video resources from Sumud - the ELCA’s response to occupation and injustice in Palestine and Israel.

Palm Sunday, April 13 at 10:30 am - Hybrid Worship 

As we gather to celebrate Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem we will once again be using sustainable, fair-trade palms from EcoPalms!

Maundy Thursday, April 17 at 6 pm

This year we will join Luther Place Memorial Church to observe Maundy Thursday. We will gather at 6 pm to eat dinner together before the 7 pm service.

Good Friday, April 18 at 7 pm - Hybrid Worship 

Parking will be available!

Easter Sunday, April 20 at 10:30 am - Hybrid Worship

Join us for worship!

On Sundays, we worship at 10:30 a.m. If you are unable to join us in person, we invite you to join us virtually, either through our YouTube livestream or via Zoom (please contact us for Zoom details). Both the in-person and online communities are warm, vibrant, and caring and very pleased to welcome and embrace newcomers and visitors.

If you miss us on Sunday, you can view worship recordings on YouTube.

Where We Are

Our building is located at 501 4th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001. Our main entrance is up the stairs on 4th Street. If you have accessibility needs, we have a lift and an elevator, and our parking lot usher can assist folks who need to use either of these. For more information about accessibility, please contact us. 

Our mailing address is 309 E St. NW, Washington, DC 20001.

Street parking is available; additionally, on weekends and evenings, parking is available on the lot at 4th and E St. (access to the parking lot is on E St.).

We are very Metro accessible (1/2 block from the Judiciary Square stop on the Red Line), and we also have members and visitors walk or bike here!


What to Expect on Sundays

What do I wear?

Come as you are! At our services you'll find everything from jeans and flip-flops to suits and ties.

Are children welcome?

Absolutely! We welcome young families, nursing mothers, and children of all ages in all our services. There is also a child-friendly area and “busy bags” with toys, books and activities available at the entrance to the sanctuary, where everyone can still see and hear the services.

What is worship like?

Worship in the Lutheran tradition includes much music and liturgy with confession and forgiveness, Bible readings, a short sermon, and communion at every service. You will experience:

  • Ordained ministers and non-clergy volunteers leading worship.

  • Participatory worship: Everyone in the congregation is given a bulletin that includes all the readings and hymns/ songs so you can easily follow along.

  • Communion celebrated every week, open to anyone who wishes to partake.

  • Traditional hymns as well as newer music. We often welcome guest musicians. 

  • A gathered faith community that reflects the diversity of Washington, D.C. and the greater DMV (District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia). 

After worship each Sunday, First Trinity hosts a coffee hour where everyone can stay for a bit to chat, get to know others, enjoy some refreshments and build community.

Contact and Prayer Requests

You are invited to share your prayer concerns and celebrations with the church staff so that this congregation may walk alongside you in all stages of life! This mailbox is confidential and only monitored by the staff and pastor.

Feel free to contact us with any questions. Use the form here, or give us a call!

(202) 737-4859